Sunday, May 16, 2010


A super speedy trip up to Canada (less than 48 hours between my door and my door again) proved a packed and perfect send off for my friends Annie, Lydia and Karen as they leave the east coast for their respective new adventures.

Monday, January 4, 2010


1. Get organized. I am at work, I should be at home, too.
2. Finish projects or let them go. Either way, stop hording these particles of unreached potential in boxes under the bed.
3. Take an Art Education class
4. Keep running. I'm less concerned by how far and more by how often. Let's keep it to 3 times a week, shall we?

You are very welcome in my life, 2010.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A little communication goes a long way.

Thanks for listening, Boston.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Seeing more

Travel is a hardy meal of meat, and I'll be chewing on my recent adventure to New Zealand for awhile.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Dear Boston,

I have something to tell you, and you know I wouldn't tell you if I didn't care... but it's time for you to grow up. It's July. It's summertime. You know, it's that season which is usually doused in the taste of lemonade, the smell of freshly mowed lawns and the heat of the sun. Time has passed, you are older now, and honestly... I think you're ready to stop spilling rain all over yourself. This undulating and brooding moodiness is increasingly out of place. Own up to your years... maturity means moving on, dude.

Your friend, Heidi

Friday, May 1, 2009


Choosing them is harder than fighting them.

Monday, April 27, 2009

i finally can pack up my winter coats. now it's time to set goals for the summer.

an annual tradition that i began in 4th grade, this list is a direct result of my love for the seasons and a desire to milk this one for all it's worth. the summer always feels like an opportunity to catch up. especially on all the things i couldn't do during the busy school year or winter. this summer is going to be great!

1. read Maytrees by Annie Dillard
2. backpack in rural new england
3. finish my website
4. pray with people
5. row on the charles
6. take that ballet class

...and then there's the trip to New Zealand in June! Though I'm not counting that as a goal, cause it's already decided/booked/planned. and how can you set a goal for something you've already expended most of the effort to accomplish?