Monday, January 4, 2010


1. Get organized. I am at work, I should be at home, too.
2. Finish projects or let them go. Either way, stop hording these particles of unreached potential in boxes under the bed.
3. Take an Art Education class
4. Keep running. I'm less concerned by how far and more by how often. Let's keep it to 3 times a week, shall we?

You are very welcome in my life, 2010.

1 comment:

the pfaffs said...

well, well, well...look who showed up at the top of my blog roll this morning :)
how are you friend!! did you have a nice Christmas? Are you back in Boston already?
I have a Christmas card for you, if you want, email me your address and i'll pop it in the mail :)
Love you! Kayal